Grizzly T10687 owner manual Setting Cutting Depth, To set the cutting depth

Models: T10687

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Setting Cutting


8jii^c\ YZei] h]djaY ValVnh WZ hZi Vi _jhi eVhi i]Z Wdiidb d[ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ# I]Z WZhi lVn id VXXjgViZan hZi i]Z YZei] ^h id edh^i^dc i]Z hVl Vadc\dcZZY\Zd[i]Zldg`e^ZXZhdi]Vii]ZWaVYZ ZmiZcYh WZadl i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ h^b^aVg id i]Z egd" XZhhd[Vaadl^c\i]ZWaVYZidZmiZcYl]ZcWZ^c\ X]Vc\ZY# DcXZ i]Z WaVYZ ^h ZmiZcYZY! YZiZg" b^cZ i]Z cZXZhhVgn YZei] Wn Vaadl^c\ i]Z WaVYZ id ZmiZcY gdj\]an &¿- WZndcY i]Z Wdiidb d[ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 14#

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Figure 14.HZii^c\hVlYZei]WnVa^\c^c\WaVYZ


To set the cutting depth:

1. AddhZc i]Z adX` `cdW VcY VY_jhi i]Z YZei]

hide Vadc\ i]Z hXVaZ id i]Z bVm^bjb YZei]

YZh^gZY[dgi]ZXjihZZFigure 15#





Figure 15.9Zei]"hZii^c\XdbedcZcih#

2. GZi^\]iZc i]Z adX` `cdW# I]Z hVl WaVYZ l^aa cdlZmiZcYdcanidi]VihZied^ci#

Note: The cutting depth shown on the scale is the depth WITHOUT the rail track. The track adds an additional 316" thickness to the cutting point.



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Image 21
Grizzly T10687 owner manual Setting Cutting Depth, To set the cutting depth