Grizzly T10687 owner manual Making Plunge Cuts, Setting Cutting DepthhZXidcdcPage 19#

Models: T10687

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3. =daY i]Z hVl [^gban l^i] dcZ ]VcY dc ZVX] ]VcYaZ!Vhh]dlc^cFigure 18#

Figure 18.EgdeZg]VcYedh^i^dch#

Keep fingers and hands away from the saw blade and out of blade path during opera- tion. Use clamps to hold the workpiece in place if needed.

Let the saw reach full speed before contact- ing the workpiece. Doing so will reduce the risk of kickback, help provide the cleanest cut, and reduce stress on the saw motor.

4. :c\V\Z i]Z eajc\Z gZaZVhZ VcY ZmiZcY i]Z WaVYZ# Id VXi^kViZ i]Z hVl! ejaa i]Z edlZg ig^\\Zgl]^aZ]daY^c\i]Zeajc\ZgZaZVhZ#

Note: Holding the power trigger alone will not activate the saw. For power to be activated, both the plunge release and the power trig- ger must be pressed. After power has been activated, the plunge release can be disen- gaged.

5. BdkZi]ZhVl[dglVgYdkZgi]Zldg`e^ZXZ^c VcZkZc!hiZVYnbdi^dc#

6. L]Zc[^c^h]ZY!gZaZVhZi]ZedlZgig^\\ZgVcY Vaadli]ZWaVYZidXdbZidVXdbeaZiZhide# GZijgci]ZhVlid^ihjeg^\]iedh^i^dcWna^[i^c\ jedci]Z]VcYaZ!Vaadl^c\i]ZWaVYZidgZigVXi VcYi]ZhVlidadX`^ceaVXZ#


Making Plunge Cuts

Eajc\ZXjihVgZbVYZWnedh^i^dc^c\i]ZhVldc i]Zldg`e^ZXZhdi]Vii]ZWaVYZWZ\^chXjii^c\Vh hddc Vh ^i ^h adlZgZY# Eajc\Z Xjih ldg` lZaa [dg gZbdk^c\ Vc VgZV l^i]^c i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ l^i]dji hVl^c\i]gdj\]i]ZdjiZgeZg^bZiZg#

Making blind plunge cuts without checking your cutting path for unseen objects could result in injury from kickback, electrocution, building damage or fire, gas explosions, or death. Whenever making a blind plunge cut into a standing structure (like a wall), always check the cutting path for hidden wires, nails, and other metal objects by thoroughly scanning the area with an electric stud finder or similar device. NEVER risk a blind plunge cut without first checking your cut- ting path.

Whenever operating the saw in the vicinity of live wires, always wear insulated gloves. Avoid unintentionally grounding yourself when operating the saw by being in contact with electrically-conductive materials (metal pipes, appliances, etc.).

To make plunge cuts:

1. BVg`i]ZYZh^gZYhiVgiVcYhideXji"ed^cihdc ndjgldg`e^ZXZ#

2.HZi i]Z YZei] d[ Xji Vh YZhXg^WZY ^c i]Z

Setting Cutting DepthhZXi^dcdcPage 19#


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Grizzly T10687 owner manual Making Plunge Cuts, Setting Cutting DepthhZXidcdcPage 19#