Grizzly T10687 6ggdl 6g gdl, Eajc\ZVXidcadlZgc\dgiZXji# BdYZaI&%+-,B\#HcXZ&%$&

Models: T10687

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3. 6a^\ci]ZhiVgiXji"ed^cil^i]i]ZgZVgXjii^c\ ^cY^XVidg Vggdl hZZ Figure 19# I]^h Vggdl bVg`hi]ZbVm^bjbgZVgXjii^c\Y^hiVcXZi]Z WaVYZl^aaigVkZal]Zc[jaanZmiZcYZY#
















Let the saw reach full speed before contact- ing the workpiece. Doing so will reduce the risk of kickback, help provide the cleanest cut, and reduce stress on the saw motor.

6. AdlZg i]Z WaVYZ jci^a i]Z hZi Xjii^c\ YZei] ^h gZVX]ZY# I]Z WaVYZ VcY g^k^c\ `c^[Z l^aa YZhXZcY ^cid i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 20#BdkZi]ZhVl[dglVgY^cVcZkZc! hiZVYnbdi^dc#L]Zci]Z[gdci^cY^XVidgVggdl gZVX]Zhi]Zhideed^ci!i]ZXji]VhWZZcXdb" eaZiZY#

Figure 19.8jii^c\^cY^XVidgVggdlh#

Note: The front and rear cutting indicator arrows are only accurate when the blade is fully extended. If the saw depth gauge is set, the maximum cutting distance will be less.

4. :c\V\Z i]Z eajc\Z gZaZVhZ VcY adlZg i]Z WaVYZ ha^\]ian! Wji l^i]dji idjX]^c\ i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ#

5. Id VXi^kViZ i]Z hVl! Zc\V\Z i]Z edlZg ig^\" \Zgl]^aZ]daY^c\i]Zeajc\ZgZaZVhZ#

Note: Holding the power trigger alone will not activate the saw. For power to be activated, both the plunge release and the power trig- ger must be pressed. After power has been activated, the plunge release can be disen- gaged.


Figure 20.Eajc\Z"VXi^dcadlZg^c\[dgi]ZXji#


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Grizzly T10687 owner manual 6ggdl 6g gdl, Eajc\ZVXidcadlZgc\dgiZXji# BdYZaI&%+-,B\#HcXZ&%$&