Audio Jack

To attach the audio jack to the guitar body:

1.HdaYZg i]Z l^gZh h]dlc ^c Figure 27 id i]Z iVWhdci]ZVjY^d_VX`#

Winding Strings

I]ZXdggZXiedh^i^dcd[i]Z\j^iVghig^c\h^hh]dlc ^cFigure 28#I]Zi]^c=^\]:hig^c\^hXVaaZYi]Z &hihig^c\VcYi]Zi]^X`Adl:hig^c\^hXVaaZYi]Z +i]hig^c\#









' 7


Figure 27.HdaYZgZYVjY^dl^gZ#

2.Ijgc i]Z VjY^d _VX` dkZg VcY ^chZgi ^i ^c i]Z XVk^indci]Z\j^iVgWdYn#

3. HZXjgZ i]Z edh^i^dc d[ i]Z VjY^d _VX` id i]Z \j^iVgWdYnl^i]bVh`^c\iVeZ#

4. Jh^c\ V (¿(' Yg^aa W^i! Yg^aa &¿' YZZe ]daZh higV^\]i i]gdj\] i]Z ild ]daZh ^c i]Z VjY^d _VX`#

Note: Drilling the holes deeper than 12" could result in drilling out through the back of the guitar body.

5. HZXjgZi]ZVjY^d_VX`idi]Z\j^iVgWdYnl^i] i]Z^cXajYZYild&¿'lddYhXgZlh#

Figure 28.8dggZXihig^c\adXVi^dch#

To install the guitar strings:

1. Ha^YZi]Z&hi\j^iVghig^c\i]gdj\]i]Z]daZ^c i]ZWVX`eaViZhZZFigure 29#

Figure 29.7VX`eaViZ]daZadXVi^dc#



Page 14
Image 14
Grizzly T24830 Audio Jack, Winding Strings, To attach the audio jack to the guitar body, To install the guitar strings