
Contact Info




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There is potential danger when operating woodworking machinery. Accidents are fre- quently caused by lack of familiarity or fail- ure to pay attention. Use any machines with respect and caution to decrease the risk of operator injury. If normal safety precautions are overlooked or ignored, serious personal injury may occur.

No list of safety guidelines can be com- plete. Every shop environment is different. Always consider safety first, as it applies to your individual working conditions. Use tools and any machinery with caution and respect. Failure to do so could result in seri- ous personal injury, damage to equipment, or poor work results.

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WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you read books, review industry trade magazines, or get formal training before beginning any projects. Regardless of the content in this section, Grizzly Industrial will not be held liable for accidents caused by lack of train- ing.



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Grizzly T24830 instruction manual Introduction, Manual Contact Info