Mounting Tuners
To install the tuners:
1.Ha^YZ ZVX] d[ i]Z h^m Wjh]^c\h ^cid i]Z egZ" Yg^aaZY ]daZh i]gdj\] i]Z [gdci [VXZ d[ i]Z ]ZVYhidX`#
Note: If you have trouble inserting the bush- ings, turn a drill bit by hand in the top of the hole to widen it just enough to insert the bushings. You can also use a deadblow ham- mer or a dowel in a drill press to press the bushings into the tuner mounting holes.
2.Ha^YZ ZVX] d[ i]Z ijc^c\ bVX]^cZh i]gdj\] i]ZWjh]^c\h[gdbi]ZWVX`[VXZd[i]Z]ZVY" hidX`#
3.6a^\ci]Zijc^c\bVX]^cZh!hZXjgZi]Z^gedh^" i^dcdci]Z]ZVYhidX`l^i]bVh`^c\iVeZ!VcY bVg`i]Zbdjci^c\]daZh#
4. GZbdkZi]ZijcZgh#
5. ;VhiZc V ,¿&+i]^X`lddY h]^b l^i]iVeZdc i]Zideh^YZd[i]ZeZ\]ZVYcZVgi]Zi^ehZZ Figure 11# I]^h l^aa ]Zae hiVW^a^oZ i]Z cZX` Yjg^c\i]ZcZmihiZe#
Figure 11#EZ\]ZVYhjeedgiZYl^i]h]^b#
6.Jh^c\ V &¿&+ Yg^aa W^i! Yg^aa
Note: Drilling the holes deeper than 3⁄8" could result in drilling out through the front face of the headstock.
7. >chZgii]ZijcZgh^cidi]ZWjh]^c\hVcYbdjci i]Zb l^i] i]Z ' m
Figure 12#IjcZghVa^\cZYidZY\Zd[]ZVYhidX`#
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