Components of this meat grinder are NOT dishwasher safe! Also, do NOT use bleach or
Do not place motor housing in
Id egZkZci XdciVb^cVi^dc VcY ^aacZhh! ndj bjhi XaZVc VcY hVc^i^oZ i]Z XdbedcZcih d[ i]^h bZVi \g^cYZg# 7VXiZg^V [gdb bZVi XVc XVjhZ [ddY ed^" hdc^c\!di]Zg^aacZhh!dgZkZcYZVi]#
To clean the disassembled components:
1. <Vi]Zg i]Z Y^hVhhZbWaZY XdbedcZcih VcY gZbdkZ i]Z aVg\Zhi eVgi^XaZh d[ [ddYhij[[h ^cid V \VgWV\Z XdciV^cZg# G^chZ Vaa ^iZbh id gZbdkZ Vh bVcn aZ[idkZg eVgi^XaZh Vh edh" h^WaZ#HZii]Z^iZbhVh^YZ#
2. EgZeVgZ i]Z h^c`# LVh] VcY hXgjW Vaa h^c` XdbeVgibZcihl^i]Y^h]hdVeVcY]dilViZg! i]Zcg^chZi]dgdj\]an#
3. ;^aa i]Z h^c` l^i] Y^h] hdVe! hjWbZg\Z ZVX] ^iZb ^c hdVen lViZg VcY hXgjW i]Z Zci^gZ hjg[VXZi]dgdj\]an#>[i]ZhdVenlViZghiVgih id\Zi]Von!YgV^cVcYg^chZi]Zh^c`!i]Zc[^aa l^i]bdgZhdVenlViZg#
4. G^chZXaZVcZYXdbedcZcih^cVhZXdcYh^c` XdbeVgibZci[^aaZYl^i]dcan]dilViZgjci^aVaa k^h^WaZhjYh]VkZWZZcgZbdkZY#
5. I]dgdj\]anYgni]ZXaZVcZY^iZbh!i]Zcegd" XZZY^bbZY^ViZanidhVc^i^o^c\#
Always be as thorough as possible when cleaning. Any parts that have been exposed to raw meat may harbor or develop bacteria that may cause illness or death if left uncleaned.
When applying sanitizers, always follow the recommendations on the manufacturer’s label, and make sure that the product will do the job for which you intend. Never use a product that will cause exposed surfaces to render meat unsafe for human consump- tion. Failure to follow this warning may lead to sickness or death!
HdbZhVc^i^oZghgZfj^gZY^gZXiVeea^XVi^dch!l]^aZ di]Zgh VgZ YZh^\cZY id WZ Y^ajiZY ^c lViZg VcY jhZY id hdV` i]Z ^iZb [dg V heZX^[^ZY eZg^dY d[ i^bZ# I]Z WZhi bZi]dY [dg X]ddh^c\ V X]Zb^XVa hVc^i^oZg ^h id Yd i]Z gZhZVgX] VcY YZiZgb^cZ l]^X]egdYjXi^hWZhi[dgndjgeVgi^XjaVgh^ijVi^dc#
9d cdi jhZ X]adg^cZ WaZVX] id hVc^i^oZ i]Z bZVi \g^cYZg XdbedcZcih! WZXVjhZ ^i XdggdYZh hiZZa VcYVajb^cjbVcYbVnY^hXdadgeaVhi^X#>dYde]dgh! X]adg^cZY^dm^YZ!VX^Y^X]nYgd\ZceZgdm^YZ!VX^Y^X" Vc^dc^X! VcY fjViZgcVgn Vbbdc^jb XdbedjcYh VgZ VaiZgcVi^kZh id X]adg^cZ WaZVX]! i]dj\] hdbZ d[ i]ZhZ X]Zb^XVah VgZ Vahd Xdggdh^kZ VcY XVc hiV^ceaVhi^X#
EZg;96[ddYXdYZ!hVc^i^oZl^i]]dilViZg!bV`" ^c\ hjgZ i]Z lViZg ^h Vi aZVhi &,&; VcY i]Z XaZVcZY ^iZbh VgZ ^bbZghZY [dg Vi aZVhi (% hZX" dcYh# 9d cdi jhZ V Y^h]lVh]Zg id hVc^i^oZ i]Z \g^cYZgXdbedcZcih#
6[iZg hVc^i^o^c\! g^chZ i]Z \g^cYZg XdbedcZcih i]dgdj\]an! Ygn! i]Zc l^eZ Vaa cdc"hiV^caZhh hiZZa l^i] V [ddY \gVYZ h^a^XdcZ hegVn id egZkZci gjhi" ^c\#
Bacteria from raw meat has been frequently linked to illness and even death! Describing proper meat handling techniques outside of cleaning the meat grinder is beyond the scope of these instructions. If you are unclear about sanitary meat handling prac- tices, contact your local Board of Health or the USDA to research the proper methods.