The remote control – All functions
»« (red) | Selects pages in teletext; |
»« (green) | Selects/activates various |
»« (yellow) | functions in the menus. |
»« (blue) |
Selects different subtitles
(only for digital television chan- nels)
Selects different audio lan- guages (only for digital televi- sion channels)
Starts the recording (only for digital television channels, the recording is made on an exter- nal data medium).
8Starts playing a programme from an external data medium; Repeats a recorded pro- gramme.
!Freeze frame, if no external data medium is connected; Playback pause;
Time shift mode (only for digital
television channels and when an external data medium is connected).
7Ends playback of a pro- gramme from an external data medium;
Ends a recording or playback in time shift mode; Splits the screen in teletext.
5Switches to double character size in teletext;
Selects the next title/next pic- ture in the file browser.
6Refreshes a teletext page; Selects the previous track/pre- vious picture in the file browser.
3Stops scrolling through pages in teletext;
Starts a fast reverse search in the file browser.
4Reveals answers in teletext; Starts a fast forward search in the file browser.