Early malfunctions can be prevented. Careful and regular cleaning can extend the amount of time you will have your newTV. Be sure to turn the power off and unplug the power cord before you begin any cleaning.
Cleaning the Screen
1.Here'sa great way to keep the dust off your screen for awhile. Weta soft cloth in a mixture of lukewarm water and a litttefabric softener ordish washing detergent. Wring the cloth until it'salmost dry, and thenuse it to wipe the screen.
2.Make surethe excess wateris offthe screen, andthen let
Cleaning the Cabinet
To remove dirt or dust, wipe the cabinet with asoft, dry,
Extended Absence
If you expect to leave yourTV dormantfor along time (such asa vacation), it's agood idea to unplug the power
cord to protectagainst possible damagefrom lightning orpower surges.
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