Connection Options
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1. Digital Audio Output: Connect vat ous types ef d@tat asdo equipment
NOTE: In standby mode, these ports will not work.
2.DVi Audio In: Whet/ s '/(__/©Y:/to H©F_ _sdapter;connect the {_udo si{_n_sto these iacks
3.Antenna Input: Connect cable or antenna signals to the TV, either directly or through your cable box.
4.HDMI In: Co nect a HDf'41devce to receve dqbst udo and uncompressed dgta vdeo
5.VGA Audio In: Connect the audio L/R cables from a computer to this jack.
6.VGA Video In: Connect a video cable from a computer to this jack.
7.VIDEO In: Connects the video signal from a video device.
8.Component Video In: Connect a component video device to these jacks.
9.AUDIO In: Connect the audio L/R cables from the video signal source to these jacks.
11.COMPONENT AUDIO In: Connect the audio L/R cables from the component video signal source to these jacks.
12.AUDIO In: Connect the audio L/R cables from the
13.AUDIO Out: Connect the audio L/R cables to your 8udo equ pmenL
Owner's Manual 7