Haier HUF138PA, HUF205PA Proper Care and Cleaning, Cleaning the Exterior, Cleaning the Interior

Models: HUF138PA HUF205PA

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Proper Care and Cleaning

Cleaning the Exterior

Wipe the exterior of the freezer with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly. Use only mild soapy water to clean the door gasket. Never use harsh cleansers or scour- ing pads to clean any part of the freezer.

For efficient operation, dirt and dust should be removed from the rear and bot- tom of your freezer every 3 months.

Turn the temperature control dial to "1" and unplug the freezer before cleaning.

Carefully slide the freezer away from the wall slowly to avoid damaging the floor.

Wipe dust from the back of the freezer and the outside of the compressor com- partment with a clean dry cloth or use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attach- ment.

Note: Do not attempt to clean inside the compressor compartment.

Cleaning the Interior

Clean the inside of the freezer at least twice a year. Turn the temperature control dial to "1", unplug the freezer and remove all frozen items from the shelves. Wash the inside with a solution of warm water and baking soda (2 tablespoons of baking soda to one quart of water), then rinse and dry thoroughly. Do not use cleaners such as harsh detergents, scouring powder or sprays containing bleach, ammonia, or other chemicals that may cause odors inside the freezer or damage the protective coating on the shelves.


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Haier HUF138PA, HUF205PA user manual Proper Care and Cleaning, Cleaning the Exterior, Cleaning the Interior