11 - 6 4800p 2D Imager User’s Guide

LED Power Level
Off PWRLDC0 3-5
Low (50%) PWRLDC50 3-5
*High (100%) PWRLDC100 3-5
Centering Window
Centering On DECWIN1 3-6
*Centering Off DECWIN0 3-6
Left of Centering Window
(*40%) DECLFT 3-6
Right of Centering Window
(*60%) DECRGT 3-6
Top of Centering Window
(*40%) DECTOP 3-6
Bottom of Centering Window
(*60%) DECBOT 3-6
Decode Search Mode
*Full Omnidirectional
(Default for 2D imagers) DECMOD0 3-7
Quick Omnidirectional DECMOD1 3-7
Advanced Linear Decoding
(Default for PDF imagers) DECMOD2 3-7
Output Sequence Editor Enter Sequence SEQBLK 3-10
Default Sequence SEQDFT 3-10
Require Output
Required SEQ_EN2 3-10
On/Not Required SEQ_EN1 3-10
*Off SEQ_EN0 3-10
Print Weight Set Print Weight (1-7) PRTWGT 3-11
*Default (4) PRTWGT4 3-11
Video Reverse On VIDREV1 3-11
*Off VIDREV0 3-11
Working Orientation
*Upright ROTATN0 3-12
Rotate Code Clockwise 90° ROTATN1 3-12
Upside Down ROTATN2 3-12
Rotate Code
Counterclockwise 90° ROTATN3 3-12
Prefix/Suffix Selections
Add CR Suffix to All Symbologies VSUFCR 4-3
Selection Setting
* Indicates default
# Indicates a
numeric entry