This function uses the i2c interface protocol to read data from 'ucSubaddress' register location and places it at the location specified by 'pucBuffer'.
unsigned int ReadIIC_ICMedia(
unsigned char ucSubaddress, unsigned char *pucBuffer
Passed Arguments | Description |
unsigned char ucSubaddress | The register location where the data will be read from. |
unsigned char *pucBuffer | A pointer to the location where the data from the imager will be stored. |
This function is called during initialization of the imager to register a function to be called at various points during the image acquisition process. This function will most likely be called as the result of a hardware generated line interrupt, an IST generated from that interrupt, or at different times throughout an image capture based on an internal software scheduler.
DWORD RegisterImageLineDataNotificationICMedia(
void (*fImgDataNotif)(void)
Passed Arguments | Description |
void (*fImgDataNotif)(void) | Function pointer to a function that receives no arguments, and returns nothing. |
Zero on failure,
This function is called during initialization of the imager to register a function to be called after the Vsync interrupt. This function could be called as part of an ISR handler or, as in WinCE applications, this registered function will most likely be called from an IST.
DWORD RegisterVsyncNotificationICMedia(
void (*fVsyncNotif)(void)
Passed Arguments | Description |
void (*fVsyncNotif)(void) | Function pointer to a function that receives no arguments, and returns nothing. |
Zero on failure,
This function requests that the imager be put in power down mode upon receiving the next front edge of Vsync. The IC Media imager freezes when it goes into power down mode, and the goal is to have the imager in the “between frames” state (i.e., in down time) when this request is made. The difference between this function and the SynchronizedPowerDownICMedia function is that this function does not wait until the next Vsync to check to see if the imager has successfully been put into power down mode. The area of the scan driver that uses this function performs that check separately.
void RequestSynchronizedPowerDownICMedia(
IMAGETEAM™ 4X00 Series Hardware Interface Layer Specification | 11 |