Lighting Conditions

Dolphin Image-Capture terminal is equipped with an internal lighting source to allow
users to take images in dim light conditions. It is suggested that you turn on the unit’s
electroluminescent backlight when taking images in extreme low light conditions to
help with aiming.
Dolphin Image-Capture Demo Software
Images taken with the Dolphin Image-Capture demonstration program may be
downloaded from the terminal to your host computer via HomeBase™ or
VehicleBase™ communication cradles using the Dolphin Image-Capture Host
Software that ships with the terminal. The host software package works with the
Dolphin Image-Capture client demo software for a complete demonstration of the
terminal’s capabilities.
The Dolphin Image-Capture Demo Software allows you to collect images with the
Dolphin Image-Capture terminal, transfer image files to a PC-based host and view the
collected images.
The software consists of the following componenets:
For the Host:
1. Dolphin Image-Capture Server (ICDserver.EXE)
Communication and viewer module. The module allows you to receive images
from the Dolphin and display the transmitted image. Once an image is transmitted
correctly, it can be printed or stored on the local hard drive.
2. Dolphin Image-Capture Viewer
Dolphin Image-Capture Viewer allows you to view and print saved images.
3. Dolphin Image-Capture Application (ICDapp.EXE)
By selecting the F4 option on the Dolphin ICD client, the user can collect multiple
bar codes and images. The application allows you to merge a scanned bar code
with the image you take. The ICD application module ensures that all barcode data
and images will be transmitted and saved to the local hard drive correctly. The
ICD application module includes a viewer that allows you to view the collected
images with corresponding bar code data.
For the Dolphin: