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SKU 44859
machining cylinders
1. Repeat the cutting procedure steps 1 through 8, listed on the previous page.
2. Rotate Turn Lever (D) clockwise and move the saddle to the right of the workpiece.
3. Rotate Turn Lever (C) clockwise until the desired depth of cut is reached on the far
right surface of the work piece.
4. Press down on the Straight Lever (G) to engage apron clasp nut over the Gear Shaft.
The tool will automatically move from right to left while cutting the workpiece.
5. When the cut is complete, press the red Off button.
Optionally, you can turn the Reverse switch to have the tool go over the same cut in
the opposite direction (left-to-right). This will clean and smooth the previous cut.
6. When the cut is complete, press the red Off button.
machining cones
This operation is similar to machining cylinders with the following differences.
1. To manually cut a cone, determine the taper requirement and turn the small cutter rest
to the desired slope on the workpiece. Retighten the cutter rest.
2. Press the green On button to start the lathe.
3. Turn the Straight Lever (F) clockwise to make the cut.
1. To automatically cut a cone, determine the taper requirement and turn the small cutter
rest to the desired slope on the workpiece. Retighten the cutter rest.
2. Horizontally move the tailstock from the spindle centerline to the required slope on the
far right surface of the work piece.
3. Press the green On button to start the lathe.
4. Press down on the Straight Lever (G) to engage apron clasp nut over the Gear Shaft.
The tool will automatically move from right to left while cutting the workpiece.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until the desired cone size is cut.
6. When the cut is complete, press the red Off button.
machining threads
The Gear Box is composed of the change gears, shaft bolt, fixing shaft bolt, and square
nut. The change gear box is fixed on the left support of the leadscrew (101). To cut threads,
select the proper change gears for the desired thread type (see Thread Formula Table), and
engage with approximately 0.1 mm tolerance. Tighten Screw (835).