Specific Safety Instructions
1.Operators and others in work area MUST wear
2.Keep fingers away from trigger when not driving fasteners to avoid accidental firing.
3.Choice of triggering method is important. Check manual for triggering options.
4.Always assume tool contains fasteners.
5.Do not point tool toward yourself or anyone whether it contains fasteners or not.
6.Do not actuate the tool unless the tool is placed firmly against the workpiece.
7.Respect the tool as a working implement.
8.No horseplay. This tool is not a toy and can be deadly if misused.
9.Do not load tool with fasteners when any one of the operating controls, such as Trigger or Safety Nosepiece, is activated.
10.Do not remove, tamper with, or otherwise cause the tool operating controls to become inoperable.
11.Do not operate if any portion of operating controls is inoperable, disconnected, altered, or not working properly.
12.Disconnect the tool from the air supply when:
b.Performing any maintenance or repair.
c.Clearing a jam.
d. Moving the tool to a new location.
13.Do not make any modifications to tool.
14.Refer to the tool maintenance instructions for detailed information on the proper maintenance of the tool.
15.Fire fasteners into an appropriate work surface only. Do not attempt to fire fasteners into surfaces too hard to penetrate. Do not drive fasteners on top of other fasteners, or at too steep of an angle. Fasteners can ricochet causing personal injury.
16.Do not fire fasteners too close to edge of a workpiece. They may split workpiece and fly free, causing personal injury.
17.Keep clear of workpiece near the area being fastened. Fasteners may bend sideways during firing, causing them to exit the workpiece at an unexpected point, causing personal injury.
18.Transport tool safely. Always disconnect air supply when moving tool. Carry tool by handle and avoid contact with trigger.
19.Hold tool away from head and body. During operation the tool may kick back causing injury.
20.Do not fire fasteners into a workpiece that has people, utility lines, or other objects behind or inside it.
21.Keep balance while using this tool. Keep area below clear if working in an elevated location, and secure air hose to prevent falls from bystanders accidentally pulling on it.
22.Obey the manual for the air compressor used to power this tool.
SKU 68024 | For technical questions, please call | Page 5 |