19 PP38+ Pellet Stove 3-90-08422R27_09/12
Minimizing creosote:
Whenever wood is burned slowly, the potential exists for creosote to form in the venting. The chimney or venting system
should be inspected periodically throughout the heating season to determine if a creosote buildup has occurred. If a
A professional chimney sweep is recommended, since they would normally have the correct equipment to ensure proper
creosote removal.
If you experience a re in the venting system,turnthestoveto"OFF"toallowtheunittoshutdown.Callthere
department, and be sure everyone is out of the residence. Before re-using the appliance, have it, and the venting system
thoroughly inspected and replace any damaged components.
The glass in your Harman stove is a special 5mm
ceramic glass.
• Do not abuse the glass by striking or slamming
the door.
• Never burn the appliance if the door glass is
cracked or broken.
• Replace only with Harman supplied glass. Do
NOT Use Substitutes.
Sootand/or y-ash may accumulate on the viewing
glass, and will ocassionally need to be cleaned. Clean
the glass with a soft cloth and mild glass cleaner. Do
not clean the glass when hot, and avoid the use of
abrasive cleaners.
Glass replacement
Carefully remove all remaining glass and gasket
materials prior to replacing the glass.
glass retainers and screws. Apply the gasket material
to the face of the new glass. Lay the glass into the
door, making sure that the glass is contained within
the channels and raised areas of the door itself. Lay
the glass retainers into position and install the screws. Tighten each screw evenly to avoid making any stress points.
Retainers and screws Glass
Adhesive gasket
Door Frame
insPect aPPliance and coMPonents
For daMage. daMaged Parts MaY
iMPair saFe oPeration.
• do not install daMaged
• do not install incoMPlete
• do not install substitute
rePort daMaged Parts to dealer.
Fire risK.
hearth & hoMe technologies
disclaiMs anY resPonsibilitY
For, and the warrantY will
be voided bY, the Following
• installation and use oF anY daMaged
• ModiFication oF the aPPliance.
• installation other than as instructed bY
hearth & hoMe technologies.
• installation oF Parts or coMPonents not
suPPlied or aPProved bY hearth & hoMe
• oPerating aPPliance without FullY
asseMbling all coMPonents.
or anY such action that MaY cause a Fire
warning warning