5Harman TL300
The Harman TL300 meets the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s emission limits
for wood heaters sold after July 1, 1990.
Weight 525 lbs
Flue Size 6 Inch
Log Length Recommended 18 in. / 20 in. Max
Heating Capacity 1,500 - 3,000 sq. ft.
Average Emissions 1.1 Grams Per Hr.
Emissons on Low 0.8 Grams Per Hr.
Outside Air Size 3 or 4 Inch
SaFeTY noTice: iF ThiS STove iS noT ProPerLY inSTaLLed, a houSe Fire
MaY reSuLT. For Your SaFeTY, FoLLoW The inSTaLLaTion direcTionS.
conTacT LocaL buiLding or Fire oFFiciaLS abouT reSTricTionS and
inSTaLLaTion inSPecTion reQuireMenTS in Your area.
583 mm
326 mm
675 mm
935 mm
734 mm
223 mm