5.0 Inspection


The information listed in this section is intended to supplement Section 5.7 of the ER2OM.


Table 5-3Hoist Inspection Methods and Criteria

Use this table in conjunction with Table 5-3 of the ER2OM. The entries in this table replace in their entirety

the corresponding entries in Table 5-3 of the ER2OM.













Hooks - FrettingMeasureThe "u" and "t" dimensions should not be lessReplace.


than discard value listed in Table 5-4






Hooks - Stretch


The "k" dimension should not be greater than 1.15




times that measured and recorded at the time of




purchase (See Section 3.6). If recorded "k"




values are not available for hooks when new, use




nominal "k" values from Table 5-4.














Load Chain - Pitch


The "P" dimension should not be greater thanReplace. Inspect
and Wire Diameter


maximum value listed in Table 5-5.The "d"Load and Idle



dimension should not be less than minimum valueSheaves.



listed in Table 5-5.














Load Chain –VisualChain should be reeved properly through LoadReeve/Install chain
Reeving and


and Idle Sheaves - refer to Section 6.4. Chain,properly.


Chain Springs, Stoppers, and Chain Pin should beLower hook until



installed properly - refer to Section 3.2. For



lower limit switch is



double body hoists, chain should be evenly



activated on both



distributed – equal length of chain in each chain



hoist bodies.



container or equal lengths of chain on no-load






side of each hoist body.












Chain springs should not be deformed or


Chain Springs


compressed. Refer to Table 5-6for Chain Spring



