Fire your Tagger – To fire your Tagger, aim it at an opponent
Dodge – Dodge incoming fire by pressing the R or L buttons.
Launch a Grenade – Aim at a target onscreen using the crosshairs, and press the Shield Button at the same time as either the R Button (flash grenade, stuns enemies), or the L Button (EM grenade, damages enemies).
Activate Shields – Shields work exactly as described above in USING THE SHIELDS.
Reload – When your Ammo Indicator is empty, you need to reload. This works exactly as described above in PLAY A GAME. You can also set the game to Reload your Tagger automatically from the Pause Menu.
Pause – Press the Start Button to pause your game. From here, you can exit your game, or switch weapons.
Switch Weapons – Pause the game, and use the R and L Buttons to scroll to the Switch Weapons option. Pull the Trigger to select. Scroll through your unlocked weapon options until you get to the one you want. Pull the Trigger again to arm that weapon.