Place each Relic (The Ark, Sankara Stones
and the Holy Grail) on its corresponding
Relic Space.
Separate and shuffle the Life Tiles into
3 color piles and place them facedown.
Separate and shuffle the 9 Partner
Cards into 3 color piles and place
them facedown.
Choose an Adventurer pawn and place
it on the Museum Home Space. Place
any extra Adventurers back in the box.
Give each player one Reference Card.
Shuffle the 40 Adventure Cards and
place them facedown and off to
the side of the game board.
Shuffle the 5 Special Event Cards and
place them facedown on the bottom of
the shuffled Adventurer Card deck
as shown.
Choose a player to be the Investor. This player
is in charge of all money paid to and from the
Investment Fund. Each player gets $20,000
(1 - $10,000 bill and 2 - $5,000 bills).
1Ark of the
CovenAnt reliC
(Value $750,000)
life tiles


As you assemble your game, refer to the corresponding numbers as they relate to the photo.
GettinG Ready
Assembling your game
During the game you will draw Adventure Cards and move
around the gamepath. Notice there are dif ferent colored game
paths. This is important because when you are directed to draw
a card, it must match the gamepath you are on.
Last Crusade - (Green Path)
Movie Gamepath Travel this path and
receive the greatest rewards at a higher risk.
Museum Park - (Gold)
Note: This is not a movie path. Travel
this path to get to the Museum Home
Space to trade in Life Tiles or Relics.
Temple of Doom - (Blue)
Movie Gamepath Travel this path and you will
receive fewer rewards and encounter less risk.
Raiders of the Lost Ark - (Purple Path)
Movie Gamepath Travel this path and you will
receive moderate rewards (such as money, Life
Tiles and Partners) at moderate risk.
Spin to see who goes first. The player with the highest spin starts the game. Play continues clockwise.
Spin the spinner. Then, starting from the Museum Home Space, move the number of spaces you spun, always following
the arrows on the game board.
Note: If you move to a space marked STOP, you must always pause on that space, regardless of how many moves you have left. If
there is a Partner or Relic on that space, you must STOP and take a card or Relic. If the space is empty, continue moving.
Lets PLay!
Museum Home Space
The Museum Home Space is where your adventure begins but you may return here later in the game provided you:
1. Have a Life Tile which you want to trade in for money, or
2. Get moved there by an Adventure card or trap.
Enter or exit any of the three spaces connected to the Museum Home Space by way of the Museum Path (the gold path). If you enter
the Museum Home Space, you must STOP even if you have moves left.
Blank Space
If you land on a space that is blank, draw an Adventure Card and follow the directions on the card. Then your turn is over.
Relic Spaces
There are 3 Relic Spaces, one on each colored movie game path. Whenever you reach a Relic Space you must pause. If there is a Relic on
that space, STOP and pick it up. Hang onto the Relic because it will be worth money at the end of the game. This ends your turn even if
you have moves left. If there is no Relic at the space, continue to move.
Partner Spaces
There are 3 Partner Spaces; one on each of the three movie game paths. Whenever you reach a Partner Space
you must pause. If there is a Partner Card available for that space, STOP and pick it up. This ends your turn
even if you have moves left. Show everyone which Partner you have chosen. If there is no Partner Card
available for that space, continue your move.
Remember: Only draw a Partner Card matching the color of the game path you are on. If you end your turn
on this space while there are no Partner cards, draw an Adventure Card instead.
There are two kinds of traps. Trap Spaces on the game board (one on each of the three movie game paths) and Trap Events included in
the Adventure Cards.
• If you land on a Trap game board space, STOP immediately, even if you have moves left. Do not draw any cards. Instead, spin the
spinner. If you spin a 6 or higher, you survived the trap and your turn is over. If you spin lower than a 6 follow steps 1 through 4, below.
• If you draw a card with a TRAP event on it, you must spin.
If you spin the number or higher, nothing happens and your turn ends.
If you spin lower than the number, you must now perform one of the following tasks, in order, if possible.
1. If you have a Partner(s), remove one by placing it on the bottom of its starting pile. If there are no piles left, start a new pile.
- or -
2. If you do not have a Partner, you must lose a Relic. Place the Relic back on its Relic Space.
- or -
3. If you don’t have a Partner or a Relic, you give up one of your Life Tiles. Place it back into the Life Tile pile and shuffle them.
- or -
4. If you can’t do any of the tasks in steps 1 through 3, move your pawn back to the Museum Home Space.
5. Once you have given up a Partner, Relic, Life Tile, or you have moved your pawn back to the Museum Home Space, your turn is over.
Note: If you begin your turn on a Trap Space you do not have to try to escape again. Spin and move as usual.
Need help escaping a trap? Don’t forget your Partner! He or she could help you add to your spin and get you out of the trap.
life tiles



stones reliC
(Value $500,000)
hoMe spACe
& Adventurer
life tiles
6Adventure CArds
7speCiAl event CArds


GrAil reliC
(Value $1,000,000)


referenCe CArd

-2- -3-


pArtner CArds
