717540001IWTI-01 | MODEL 71-754 |
Welcome to SCRABBLE, the world's best-loved crossword game! Test your spelling and vocabulary skills as you use strategy to block opponents, rack up points and win the game!
The object of SCRABBLE is to score the most points. You score points by your placement of tiles in the form of words on the SCRABBLE board. Certain letters and squares on the board will help increase your score.
Note that in any game played against a computer opponent, the computer is the final authority concerning whether or not a word you place is acceptable or unacceptable. The computer has its own extensive dictionary. If you see the computer place an unusual word (such as "FIAR," "PADI," or "UDO"), look them up in a complete dictionary - you'll find that such words do exist! Note that the following types of words will not be accepted by the computer:
Proper nouns or names | Foreign (non English) words |
Profanity | Ethnic or religious slurs |
Word requiring a hyphen | Abbreviations |
To play the game, make sure your game.com or Pocket Pro system is OFF. Insert the SCRABBLE cartridge. Turn on your game.com or Pocket Pro and touch the CARTRIDGE icon on the main menu.
| | On/Off button |
| LCD Backlight | Menu button |
| Indicator | Pause button |
| | A button |
| Speaker | B button |
| C button |
| |
| Screen | D button |
| |
| Directional | Backlight |
| Pad | Button |
After a brief animation, you'll see the main SCRABBLE screen. You may choose to START the game or open the OPTIONS screen. To select, use the touch screen, or move the directional pad and press the A button.
All options may be selected by either using the touch screen or by cycling through with the directional pad and pressing the A button.
25 minute tournament timer: You have 25 minutes to place tiles without penalty.
Penalty - 10 pts. per minute over 25: Penalizes you 10 points for each minute over 25 minutes you spend placing tiles.
Rack order
Controls how your letter tiles are organized, as follows:
Alphabetically - tiles are placed in alphabetical order.
Ascending value - tiles are placed from lowest to highest value.
Vowel/consonant - tiles are placed with vowels first.
Free (default) - tiles are placed in random order.
Exits the options screen.
To play the game, choose START at the main screen. The PLAYERS screen will appear. You may choose between two to four players.
To choose a human opponent or opponents, use the touch screen or the A button to cycle through to "human." To play a human opponent or opponents on the same game.com or Pocket Pro, choose the icon with one game.com unit by touching it. To play via the compete.com cable (two game.com or Pocket Pro units required), choose the icon with two connected game.com or Pocket Pro units (two-player only, see COMPETE.COM MODE).
To play a computer opponent or opponents, choose "computer." You may then choose from three difficulty levels: novice, intermediate, and advanced. (novice is the easiest). To leave a player slot empty, choose "none." You must play with at least two players.
When you are finished, touch the "ok?" button.
Playing Against the Computer
The board appears with the word "READY" on the screen. Use the touch screen to touch "READY" or press the A button to
begin placing letter tiles. Press "Enter"
when you have completed placing a word. The word "CONTINUE?" will now appear. Touch "CONTINUE?" when you are finished studying the tiles in your rack. Once the word "CONTINUE?" is pressed, your tiles will be hidden and the word "READY" will appear.The computer player will not place letter tiles until the "READY" button is pressed by the human player.
You may play another human player head-to-head. You will need two game.com or game.com.pocket pro units and a compete.com cable.
1. First, connect the compete.com cable to the com.port of your game.com or Pocket Pro.

2. Next, connect the other end of the cable to your opponent's game.com or Pocket Pro 3. Make sure you both have the SCRABBLE cartridge inserted into your
game.com or Pocket Pro units. 4. Turn both units ON.
5. Each player should select the cartridge icon on the main menu screen.
6. When the PLAYERS screen appears, select HUMAN for player 2, and the icon showing two connected game.coms or Pocket Pros.
7. Press "OK?".
After choosing your opponents, you will then be asked to enter your name. To do so, touch the left or right arrows or use the directional pad to rotate the letter ring and cycle through the letters and symbols. When the character you want is on top, choose it by touching it or pressing the A button. The letter or symbol will appear in the first box. You may choose up to five letters or symbols. When you are finished, choose "end." Continue this process with each human player.
The SCRABBLE board will appear with the word "Ready?" on the screen. The players' names and scores will be to the right of the board. Seven letter tiles will appear on your rack, and your play timer will start.
Your play begins by placing two or more of your tiles on the board to form a word. To place tiles, you must zoom in on the board by touching the "zoom in" icon (the magnifying glass) in the upper right corner. To zoom in even closer, touch the magnifying glass with the
plus sign
Use the touch screen to select a tile.
To place your word, choose a letter from your rack that you want to place. Then choose the square on which you want to place the tile. The tile will transfer to the board. If you wish to move the letter, choose it again and move it to another square. Continue this process with at least one other tile until you have finished placing your word. The tiles must connect, and must be placed either vertically or horizontally. Diagonal words are not allowed. Note: the first word placed in a game MUST cross the star in the center of the board. The star counts as a double word score premium square (see PREMIUM SQUARES for scoring). To scroll to other areas of the board while in "zoom" mode, use the arrows located outside the board screen.
NOTE:You cannot place tiles on the board when you are in the fully zoomed out mode. Zoom in to one of the 2 closer views in order to place tiles on the board.
When you are finished placing your word, choose ENTER.
If your word is accepted and not challenged, the total points (main score) will appear directly under your name (see SCORING). If you placed a tile on a premium square, including the center star square, your score will reflect it. The total points for each individual turn will appear under your main score. The tiles you placed on the board will be replaced on your rack. Once letters are played on the Scrabble board, they may not be moved.