'Selecte ~MUSICf or VIDEO from the main menu. Use he A r buttons to scroll through the menu and press ENTER to confirm your selection.
+ Sblect ei6er PLAY AU or "File | 1,""File 2," ek., to play a particular file. |
Press b for more options: |
PLAY ALL either in Shuffle Mode or Loop Mode. | |
Rename the file | ,, |
Delete the file
Move the file to.a SD card* or internal memory. (What is shown will depend on the location of the file: If it is on a SD Card, Internal Memory will be shown.)
'Nat hcluded
Pressing CANCEL will return you to the main menu.
- - | - |
Select "MEMORY STATUS" to view how much space is available on your internal memory and SD CARD.
Select "MEMORY PREFERENCE" then "INTERNAL MEMORY" to record your files on the internal memory, or "SD CARD" to record your files on an SD card (not included).
Select "VIDEO QUAUTY" to change the quality of recording. "NORMAL QUAUTY" (default settin ) will allow gpproximately 1 hour of video content on the internal memory. "HI8H QUAUTY" will give a better quali but will allow approximate 45 minutes of video content on h e internal memory. EST!" QUALITY" provides thekst quality but will allow approximately one
Select "AUTO OFF TIME" and "3 MINUTES", "5 MINUTES" or "10 MINUTES" to set the time that TV NOW should automatically turn off if idle. This will help conserve battery life. Select "OFF" to disable this feature.
"FORMAT INTERNAL MEMORY" will delete all content from the internal memory. "FORMAT SD CARD" will delete all content hom the SD card.