You are a proud owner of R2-D2, an R2-series astromech utility droid from Industrial Automaton, the galaxy’s finest maker of service automatons, and distributed here on Earth by Hasbro. This droid is ready to obey certain commands, play games, and assist you on your Jedi missions.
This particular R2 unit comes from the peaceful world of Naboo, where he and a team of astromechs served Queen Amidala aboard her Royal Starship. R2-D2 has seen and taken part in many amazing adventures. He fought valiantly alongside both Anakin and Luke Skywalker, aided the Old
Republic during the clone wars, and was instrumental to the Rebellion against the Empire during the Galactic Civil War.
R2-D2 (or, alternately, Artoo Detoo) has been newly programmed at our state-of-the-art factory to be your devoted helper and friend: to obey your commands, to act as your room sentry and guard, and to play fun games with you
and your friends!
R2’s vocabulary of electronic beeps and whistles doesn’t stop this droid from trying to communicate with human masters; he understands certain commands, and usually manages to get his points across, too! To get started, simply follow the instructions of this manual. Please be aware that R2 is an especially feisty astromech; when not treated well, he will let you know about it! But if you treat R2-D2 with the same loyalty and dedication that he will give to you, this little droid may help you to follow in the footsteps of the illustrious Jedi masters!