1.Put the board in the middle where everyone can reach it.
2.Put the cash machine and 1 bank card nearby.
3.Put the houses and hotels
next to the board.
4. Give each player:
6 x A1 | 2 x A2 | 1 x A5 |
Unowned property space | A1 |
You must buy the property, if you |
have enough money.
•Give the money to the banker.
Look at the board to see how much.
•Put the matching property card faceup in front of you.
•Pick a house to put on that property on the board. Just one house per property.
wned property space Pay rent to the player who owns the property. Look at the property card to see how much.
If anyone lands on your property, shout
“rent!” to remind them to pay.
You snooze, you lose! If the next player rolls before you ask for rent, you missed your chance!
Got any pairs?
If you own two properties that are the same color (e.g. Shark Lane and Goldfi sh Way) you can charge double rent if someone lands on them!
Cash Machine
•Put the bank card into the hole in the front of the cash machine.
•The machine will throw out 4 notes – they could be cash or Chance cards.
•Take the bank card out of the machine.
Bank card
What Did You Get?
Put any cash that you get with the rest of your money.
Chance cards
•If you got a Chance card, do what it says, e.g.
“Go to Drum Road.”
•If you got more than one, pick only the best one to do. Put the others on the used card pile.
•Some Chance cards give you two choices on the same card. Pick one and do it.
•If you’re acting, go crazy! Make sound effects, stand up and use your whole body!
5.Shuffl e 45 A1s, 10 A2s and 5 A5s with all the Chance cards. Make sure the pile is well shuffled! Put the pile inside the cash machine as shown.
The rest of the money goes in the bank.
6.Choose one player to be the banker. The banker is in charge of the bank’s money and the property cards. Banker, keep the bank’s money separate from yours!
7.All choose a mover and place it on the GO space.
8.All roll the die. The highest roller goes first.
Put the batteries into the cash machine as shown on the back page.
Roll again
Roll the die and move your mover that many spaces.
Go to J Move to the IN JAIL uare. Do you have a Get out Jail Free card?
• | No. End your turn. On your next |
| turn, pay a A2 fine to the bank, |
| then roll and move as normal. |
• | Yes. Put the Get out of Jail Free card on the |
| pile of used Chance cards. Move your mover |
Once you’ve used a Chance card, put it on the used card pile.
When the machine runs out of notes, the game is over.
Every time you buy |
| |
a property, you get a | House | Hotel | |
house for free. | |||
to Just Visiting. On your next turn, roll and |
move as normal. |
st Visiting
Once you have been all the way around the board, you can pay to swap the house on any of your properties for a hotel. Other players will have to pay you extra rent if they land there.
1.Roll the die and move your mover that many spaces around the track, in the direction of the arrow.
•If you land on an unowned property, buy it and get a free house.
•If you land on the cash machine, put the card in the machine and see what comes out!
See THE SPACES for what to do when you land on each space.
2. Swap a house for a hotel, if you want to.
As soon as you’ve been round the board once, you can buy hotels. See HOUSES AND HOTELS to find out what to do.
3.Your turn is over. Pass the die to the player on your left.
Keep taking turns until the cash machine runs out of notes (cash or Chance cards) OR someone runs out of cash and can’t pay what they owe, then turn to WINNING THE GAME on the back page.
If you land here, don’t do anything. Give your friends a wave if any of them are in jail.
Free Parking If you land here, don’t do anything – chill out.
Collect A2 from the
bank every time you pass GO!
•Take the house off the property and swap it for a hotel. Pay the bank A1.
•You can only build one hotel per turn.
•Be quick! There are only 8 hotels in the game.
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031133265000 Aa MONOPOLY CRAZY CASH Instructions (US)
3/14/11 10:50 AM