3.Pitot Tube Balancing Procedure (see Figure 16)

The following is a method of field balancing an HRV200PLUS using a pitot tube, advantageous in situations when flow stations are not installed in the duct work. The procedure should be performed with the HRV200PLUS on high speed.

The first step is to operate all mechanical systems that have an influence on the ventilation system (i.e. the HRV itself and the forced air furnace or air handler if applicable) on high speed. This will provide the maximum pressure that the HRV200PLUS will need to overcome and allow for a more accurate balance of the ventilator.

Drill a small hole in the duct (about 3/16”), 3 feet downstream of any elbows or bends, and one foot upstream of any elbows or bends. These are recommended distances but the actual installation may limit the amount of straight duct.

The pitot tube should be connected to a magnehelic gauge or other manometer capable of reading from 0 to 0.25 in. (0 - 62 PA) of water, preferably to three digits of resolution. The tube coming out of the top of the pitot is connected to the high pressure side of the gauge. The tube coming out of the side of the pitot is connected to the low pressure or reference side of the gauge.

Insert the pitot tube into the duct; pointing the tip into the air flow. See Figure 15.

For general balancing it is sufficient to move the pitot tube around in the duct and take an average or typical reading. Repeat this procedure in the other (supply or return) duct. Determine which duct has the highest air flow (highest reading on the gauge). Then damper that air flow back to match the lower reading from the other duct. The flows should now be balanced. Actual air flow can be determined from the gauge reading. The value read on the gauge is called the velocity pressure. The pitot tube comes with a chart that will give the air flow velocity based on the velocity pressure indicated by the gauge. This velocity will be in either feet per minute or meters per second. To determine the actual air flow, the velocity is multiplied by the cross sectional area of the duct being measured.

This is an example of determining the air flow in a 6” duct. The pitot tube reading was 0.025 inches of water. From the chart, this is 640 feet per minute.

The 6” duct has a cross sectional area of = [3.14 x (6” ÷ 12)² ÷ 4 = 0.2 square feet The air flow is then: 640 ft./min. x 0.2 square feet = 128 cfm

For your convenience, the cross sectional area￿￿￿￿￿￿of￿￿￿some common￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿round￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿duct is listed below:

The accuracy of the air flow reading will be affected by how close to any elbows or bends the readings are taken. Accuracy can be increased by taking an average of multiple readings as outlined in the literature supplied with the pitot tube. See Figure 16.

If the ALTERNATE 5TH PORT is used for alternative exhaust, both the fireplace and exhaust air streams must be balanced individually with the incoming fresh air stream. Individually, each exhaust stream needs to be within 10% of the incoming air stream.


DO NOT penetrate the HRV exhaust duct for pitot tube balancing. This duct is under positive pressure during normal operation and cannot be properly patched once penetrated!

Note: Always seal the pitot tube access hole in the Fresh Air

Fireplace duct with aluminum tape or the equivalent.

Figure 15


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Hearth and Home Technologies HRV200PLUS manual Pitot Tube Balancing Procedure see Figure

HRV200PLUS specifications

The Hearth and Home Technologies HRV200PLUS is an advanced heat recovery ventilator (HRV) designed to provide optimal indoor air quality while ensuring energy efficiency. As homes become increasingly airtight due to modern construction techniques, the importance of proper ventilation grows. The HRV200PLUS addresses this need by continuously exchanging stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air, effectively maintaining a healthy living environment.

One of the standout features of the HRV200PLUS is its innovative heat recovery technology. This system captures the heat from the outgoing air and transfers it to the incoming fresh air. As a result, the air being brought into the home is pre-warmed, reducing the demand on heating systems during the colder months. This energy-efficient method helps homeowners save on heating costs while maintaining comfort levels inside the home.

Another notable characteristic of the HRV200PLUS is its quiet operation. Equipped with high-performance, low-noise fans, this unit operates in silence, ensuring that occupants can enjoy a peaceful environment without the disruptive sounds often associated with ventilation systems. Additionally, the HRV200PLUS provides versatile installation options, allowing it to be easily integrated into both new and existing homes.

The unit features adjustable settings that allow users to customize airflow according to their specific needs. With multiple fan speeds, homeowners can choose the most suitable option for their daily activities, ensuring an ideal balance between indoor air quality and energy use. Furthermore, the HRV200PLUS includes a built-in filter system that captures dust, allergens, and other airborne particles, enhancing overall air quality.

Durability and ease of maintenance are also keys in the design of the HRV200PLUS. Constructed with high-quality materials, this unit is made to last, reducing the need for frequent replacements. The filters are easily accessible, making periodic maintenance straightforward, which further extends the product's lifespan.

In summary, the Hearth and Home Technologies HRV200PLUS stands out as a premium choice for homeowners seeking a reliable and efficient ventilation solution. Its combination of heat recovery technology, quiet operation, customizable settings, and easy maintenance make it an ideal option for improving indoor air quality while keeping energy costs in check. As the emphasis on healthy living spaces continues to grow, the HRV200PLUS remains a practical investment for modern homes.