Heathco llc reserves the right to discontinue and to change specifications
at any time without notice without incurring any obligation to incorporate new
features in previously sold products.
This is a “limited Warranty” which gives you specific legal rights. You
may also have other rights which vary from state to state or province
to province.
For a period of three years from the date of purchase, any malfunction
caused by factory defective par ts or workmanship will be corrected at
no charge to you.
Not Covered - repair service, adjustment and calibration due to misuse,
abuse or negligence, light bulbs, batteries, and other expendable items are
not covered by this warranty. Unauthorized service or modification of the
product or of any furnished component will void this warranty in its entirety.
This warranty does not include reimbursement for inconvenience, installation,
setup time, loss of use, unauthorized service, or return shipping charges.
This warranty covers only Heathco llc assembled products and is not
extended to other equipment and components that a customer uses in
conjunction with our products.
THIS WarranTY IS exPreSSlY In lIeU oF all oTHer Warran-
TIeS, exPreSS or ImPlIeD, InclUDIng anY WarranTY, rePre-
SenTaTIon or conDITIon oF mercHanT aBIlITY or THaT THe
ProDUcTS are FIT For anY ParTIcUlar PUrPoSe or USe, anD
SPecIFIcallY In lIeU oF all SPecIal, InDIrecT, IncIDenTal, or
conSeQUenTIal DamageS.
rePaIr or rePlacemenT SHall Be THe Sole remeDY oF THe
cUSTomer anD THere SHall Be no lIaBIlITY on THe ParT
oF HeaTHco llc For anY SPecIal, InDIrecT, IncIDenTal, or
conSeQUenTIal DamageS, InclUDIng BUT noT lImITeD To anY
loSS oF BUSIneSS or ProFITS, WHeTHer or noT ForeSee-
aBle. Some states or provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of
incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion
may not apply to you. Please keep your dated sales receipt, it is required
for all warranty requests.