UNDER [MENU] - 9. Photo Frame
To select a resolution for a picture.
(No Frame, Heart 1, Beach, Hero, Bee, Baby, Mask, Cry,
Woman, Candy, Photo, Hill, Bear, Clown, Hula Dance,
Heart 2, Balloons, Devil, Rabit Ears 1, Rabit Ears 2,
Hawaii, Birthday)
UNDER [MENU] - *. Storage
To activate the storage function. (Internal, External)
UNDER [MENU] - #. Preview Mode
To activate the preview mode function. (Indicators
Only, Indicators+Crosshair, Crosshair Only, Hide All)
Press [SAVE] to save camera option.
UNDER [MENU] - 6. Flash
To activate the flash function. (Off, On, Auto)
UNDER [MENU] - 7. Timer
To activate the camera’s timer function.
(Off, 5 sec, 10 sec)
UNDER [MENU] - 8. Effects
To select picture effects. (Normal, Gray, Sepia,
Negative, Solarze)


Taking videos with your phone’s built-in camera is as simple as
choosing a subject, pointing the lens, and pressing a button. You can
activate the Camera Mode and take videos when the phone is open.
Press [MENU] .
Point the camera lens at your subject. You can check
the video framing through the main display screen.
Press or the side camera button to take the
To stop recording, press or .
To Pause/Resume recording, press [PAUSE/RESUME].
To save the video, press [SAVE].
The picture will be saved in “Video Album”.
To go back to idle mode without saving the picture,
press .
To replay video, press [PREVIEW].
Press [MENU], to access the taken video’s other
Helio Up: To upload video to Helio Screen web site.
Send Message: To send a picture message.
Send Email: To send a Email.
Set As Screen: To assign to display for idle screen.