Hip Street HS-600 user manual Menu Operations, Music Mode

Models: HS-600

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When the MP3 player is powered on, press and hold the “M” key for 3 seconds to escape and enter the main menu.



Play Mode:

During playback, press the M key to enter the main menu. Press the ￿ or ￿ button to scroll and select the “Play Mode”, then press the M key to enter.

￿Normal: The MP3 player will play from the first song to the last song by the normal order and stop after all songs are finished.

￿Repeat One: The MP3 player will continuously play the current song till manually stopped.

￿Folder: The MP3 player will play all the songs in the current folder in a normal order and stop when all songs are finished.

￿Repeat Folder: The MP3 player will continuously play all the songs in the current folder till manually stopped.

￿Repeat All: The MP3 player will continuously play all the songs stored in the built-in memory till manually stopped.

￿Random: The MP3 player will play all the songs stored in the built-in memory in a random order.

￿Intro: The MP3 player will play the first 10 seconds of each song and skip to the next one till all songs are finished.


During music playback, press the M key to enter the main menu. Press the ￿ or ￿ button to scroll and select “Equalizer”, then press the M key to enter.

Press the ￿ or ￿ button to select NATURAL / ROCK / POP / CLASIC / SOFT / JAZZ / DBB and press the M button to confirm selection. Once a certain EQ preset is selected, the corresponding symbol will appear on the LCD screen.

Tempo Rate

1)During playback, press the M key to enter the main menu. Press the ￿ or ￿ button to scroll and select “Tempo rate”, then press the M key to enter.

2)Press the ￿ or ￿ button to scroll and select the desired tempo rate. “-8” is the slowest rate and “8” is the fastest rate.

3)This function is only available for MP3 playback.

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Hip Street HS-600 user manual Menu Operations, Music Mode