Code Table of The Universal Remote
Sharp | 022,038,043,053,065,109,114,178,201,171,204,233,565,576,582,487,498,499, |
| 449,385,395,419,420 |
Shogun | 250,319 |
Siarem | 000,025,029,136 |
Sicatel | 001,009,022,065 |
Siemens | 010 |
Siesta | 220 |
Signature 2000 | 904,903,912,318,319,320,329,334,336,344,347,381,408,578,902,253,257,098 |
Silver | 141,208 |
Simpson | 242,328,353,074 |
Singer | 025,029, 131,136 |
Sinudyne | 005,006,016,025,026,029,031,032,046,056,064,115,136,172,177,219, |
Sonic | 489 |
Sonoko | 208 |
Sony | 028,109,005,117,118,119,120,163,179,224,123,231,245,330,364,365,369,539,382, |
| 463,466,469,460,087 |
SounDesign | 105, 334,339,344,353,239,240,512 |
Spectravision | 587,360 |
Squareview | 551,116 |
SSS | 105,240,339 |
Starlite | 105,240,339 |
Stern | 075,076,127 |
Sunkai | 005,032,115,046,064 |
Super - Macy | 204,353,376,501,450 |
Supreme | 231,327,365,371,382,087 |
Sylvania | 045,247,255,256,327,328,332,341,342,353,354,235,546,551,568,583,584,421,446, |
| 515,474,536,476,222 |
Symphonic | 231,265,281,314,398,476,551,485,222,116 |
Tandberg | 114,219,228 |
Tandy | 065,257,487 |
Tao Wah | 196,197 |
Tatung | 002,004,026,028,031,321,484 |
Teac | 222 |
Technics | 321,322,493 |
TechnolAce | 239 |
Techwood | 322,493 |
Teknika | 094,105,233,235,240,245,318,327,335,336,344,353,363,376,239,501,506,512, |
| 515,385,408,449,222,135 |
Tele+1 | 214 |
Teleavia | 005,032,046,064,072,115,166 |
Telefunken | 065,072,088,165,166,168 |
Telerent | 318,336 |
Teleservice | 181,212 |
Tera | 385,412,522 |
Thomas | 222 |
Thomson | 065,075,166,088,005,032,046,064,072,168 |
Thorn- Ferguson | 001,005,009,032,042,046,064,115,122,141,166,208 |
TMK | 903,905,165,258,267,334,359 |
Toshiba | 022,043,091,109,123,124,130,126,137,029,030,139,257,261,268,293,300,301, |
| 325,326,332,333,348,362,375,506,477,550,458,135 |
Tosnic | 241 |
Totevision | 233,449 |
Uher | 007,011,012,024,033,035,036,037,075,091,192,221 |
Ultravox | 003,007,024,025,079,091,093,129,136 |
Universal | 091,141,199,026 |
Universum | 026,091,141,199 |
Univox | 001,009 |
Vector Research | 045,354 |
Vegavox | 150 |
Victor | 234,270,404 |
Videosonic | 222 |
Vidikron | 235 |
Vidtech | 247,256,273,334 |
Viking | 204,376,450,501 |
Vortec | 026,065 |
Voxson | 005,007,024,032,046,064,091,115,127,136 |
Waltham | 005,032,046,064,115 |
Wards | 235,239,247,256,258,327,328,329,334,336,341,546,548,560,573,512,515,536,380, |
| 381,391,398,408,422,423,583,490,222,318,319,320,342,344,098,171 |
Watson | 036 |
Watt Radio | 001,003,025,029,030,056 |
Wega Color | 109,127,043 |
Weltblick | 026 |
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