Code Table of The Universal Remote
Daytron | 204,334,449,081 |
Decca(UK) | 002,004,026,028,031 |
Degraaf | 107 |
Denon | 237 |
Dimensia | 315,380,560,096 |
Dorig | 110 |
Dual | 041,221 |
Dual | 004,011,019,029,033 |
Dumont | 007,024,091,136,566,316 |
Dynatech | 377,222 |
Edison | 005,032,115,046,064 |
Elbe | 001,009 |
Electroband | 365,231,382,489,087 |
Electtohome | 333,335,365,484,583,481,388 |
Elite | 099 |
Elman | 019,029,033 |
Emerson | 129,136,105,204,103,123,233,239,240,243,247,258,262,263,264,265,283,318,319,333,334, | |
| 337,338,339,343,344, 345,350,355,359,482,504,545,512,489,490,385,390,391,392,393,394, | |
| 395,396,397,449,451,452,505,507,555,510,511,561,426,398,399,401,400,523,524,530, | |
| 475,534,476,578, 222,070,062,185,186,188,229,217,211,203,200 | ,485,486,554,551,491, |
Envision | 045,354,374 |
Europhon | 000,004,019,029,030,033,036, 129 |
Fenner | 033,173,207 |
Ferguson | 009,005,032,042,046,064,115 |
Fidelity(UK) | 003,107 |
Filmnet | 214 |
Finlandia | 107,138 |
Finlux | 007,008,009,013,024,025,026,029,034,091,114,142,150,199 |
Fisher | 025,035,041,136,148,151,221,238,267,324,333 |
Formenti | 107,192 |
Formenti | 003,007,008,024,025,036,037,091,107,140 |
France Telecom | 228 |
Frontech | 107 |
Fujitsu | 239,344,512,533 |
Funai | 016,141,219,105,005,032,115,046,064,240,339,344,371,239,551,512,476,222 | |
Futuretech | 105,240,339 |
Garrard | 222 |
GBC | 002,004,019,025,026,031,033,038,039,040,041,107,138,155 |
GE | 236,321,322,329,331,334,366,481,492,493,560,570,573,574,484,388,447,380,096 | |
GEC(UK) | 155 |
Gelos o | 004,019,025,032,033,038,131,132,107 |
General Electric | 246,247,251,286 |
Genexxa | 107 |
Gibralter | 045,316,354,441,385,566 |
Goldstar/LG | 003,004,007,024,033,042,045,077,091,134,153,204,218,318,319,328,334,348,354, | |
| 316,267,583,520,526,513,247,256,272,287,290,291,292,089,070 |
Goodmans | 109 |
Gorenje | 151,154 |
Gradiente | 234 |
Graeta | 107 |
Granada(UK) | 002,004,007,024,027,040,043,044,046,047,048,091,107,110,138,085 | |
grosley | 007,024,091 |
Grundig | 003,007,010,018,020,024,044,049,050,052,053,065,077,091 |
Grundy | 449,512 |
Grunpy | 105,239,339,344 |
Hanseatic | 007,024,025,027,036,043,051,054, 091, |
Hantarex | 000 |
Harley Davidson | 222 |
Harman/kardon | 235 |
Harvard | 105,339 |
Hem | 056 |
Hinair | 033,043,057,058,059,127,138 |
Hisense | 014,017,078,080,086,095,593,106,121,145,176,180,184,187, 194,195,198,202,205, | |
| 206,210,213,227,588,589,590,591,592 |
Hitachi | 004,026,029,030,039,040,041,043,046,054,061,063,064,065,066,070,108,155, | |
| 199,209,237,247,273,274. 317,318,343,480,500,567,467,529,479, |
| 222,434,440,452,385,437,438,439,402,435,436,430,431,432, 433 |
Hyper | 003,004,007,024,033,091,134,173 |
Ima | 105,339 |
Imperial | 007,019,023,024,033,091,128,133,150,151 |
Infinity | 235,327 |
Inno Hit | 000,004,031,042,059,129,156 |
Inteq | 566 |
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