When the AI function is on, the TV's internal computer will perform the following:

1.Automatically monitor and adjust contrast depending on room lighting (sensor is located in the front panel) to produce a more natural picture.

2.Automatically monitor and adjust color levels and maintain natural flesh tones.

3.Automatically compensate for weak or strong TV signals to produce a clear picture.

Turn the AI function off to control other PREFERENCE SETTINGS.


The AUTO COLOR function automatically monitors and adjusts the color to maintain constant color levels even after a program or channel changes. It also maintains natural flesh tones while preserving fidelity of background colors. (This function will automatically set to ON and cannot be turned off when the ULTRA AI function is ON.)

NOTE: It may be necessary to set AUTO COLOR-ON to obtain optimum picture quality when using the COMPONENT: Y-CBCR Input 2 jacks.


The NOISE REDUCTION function automatically reduces conspicuous noise in the picture without degrading picture quality. (This function will automatically set to on and cannot be turned off when the ULTRA AI function is ON.)


Turn on SUPER CONTRAST to improve picture detail in areas of high brightness.


Set this to WARM for hotter colors with more red, or set to COOL for less intense colors with more blue.


Select AUDIO SETTINGS to adjust the TV to your preference and to improve the sound quality.

Use CURSOR or to highlight the function to be adjusted.

Press CURSOR or to adjust the function.

Press EXIT to quit menu.

NOTE: If BASS is selected you are adjusting BASS. The additional menu items TREBLE and BALANCE can be selected and adjusted in the same manner.


This function controls the low frequency audio to all speakers.