performance and pleasure, depending upon the video program being viewed. However, if RESET is selected, all modes will reset to the initial conditions as explained above.

When RESET is selected, it will take approximately two seconds to return to factory conditions (SPORTS mode).

Press exit to quit menu or CURSOR to return to previous menu.


This function allows your TV to assist you with your busy day-to-day schedule.


Use this function to set up to six special events into memory. These events can then be viewed in CALENDAR mode.

Press CURSOR to select EVENT 1 to 6.

Press CURSOR or to select a letter

Press CURSOR to change position.

Set Special Day of reminder using cursor buttons.

Highlight the day of Start Reminder using CURSOR buttons, then press CURSOR to select. Select date of reminder using CURSOR buttons.

To erase SPECIAL EVENT, select ERASE EVENT then press CURSOR . Press EXIT to quit menu or CURSOR to return to previous menu.

If the clock is not set, you can not use this function and the next screen will appear.

NOTE: 1. When the TV is turned on, the SPECIAL EVENT REMINDER message will automatically appear at the