
9.Switching between the “SAVE“ and the “POWER“ modes

The hammering force of the hammer can be increased or decreased to conform with intended usage, by operating the shift knob as per Fig. 19. Adjust the force to match the usage intended.

“SAVE“ mode

“POWER“ mode

Shift knob

Fig. 19

(1)“SAVE“ mode ... decreased hammering force This can prevent thin drill bits which are less than 5 mm in diameter, from being bent or broken.

(2)“POWER“ mode ... increased hammering force  This can be used to speedily and efficiently drill

holes when the drill bits which are being used are greater than 5 mm in diameter.

 This can be used to drill holes into wood or metal.


Do not drill holes in wood with the “SAVE“ mode. There is a likelihood that the motor will burn out because it can easily lock up due to the low power.