During playback, press the BOOKMARK button on the remote. Use the LEFT/RIGHT button to select a marked scene.
Press the PLAY/PAUSE button to skip to the marked scene.

Using the Bookmark Function (DVD/VCD)

1 During playback, press the BOOKMARK button on the remote. Then a marker will be displayed.

2 Use the LEFT/RIGHT button to move to the desired bookmark icon.

3 When you reach the scene you want to mark, press the ENTER button. The icon will change to a number (1, 2, or 3). 4 Press the BOOKMARK button to turn off the display.

Recalling a Marked Scene




Clearing a Bookmark

1 During playback, press the BOOKMARK button on the remote.

2 Use the LEFT/RIGHT button to select the bookmark number you want to delete.

3 Press the CLEAR button to delete a bookmark number. Press the BOOKMARK button to turn off display.


-Up to three scenes may be marked at the same time.

-When in VCD 2.0 mode (MENU ON mode), this function does not work.

-Depending on the disc, the Bookmark function may not work.

Using the Zoom and 3D Sound Functions

Using the Zoom Function (DVD/VCD)

1 During playback or pause mode, press the ZOOM button on the remote. A pointer will be displayed on screen.