Chapter 8 List of Data Settings
8 - 7
Code Function name Monitored data or setting
(allowed or
(allowed or
b034 Run/power-on warning time 0. to 9999. (0 to 99990), 1000 to 6553 (10000 to 655300) (hr) 0. ¯ { 4-64
b035 Rotational direction restriction 00 (enabling both forward and reverse rotations), 01 (enabling
only forward rotation), 02 (enabling only reverse rotation) 00 ¯ ¯ 4-7
b036 Reduced voltage start selection 0 (minimum reduced voltage start time) to 255 (maximum
reduced voltage start time) 6 ¯ { 4-42
b037 Function code display restriction 00 (full display), 01 (function-specific display), 02 (user setting),
03 (data comparison display), 04 (basic display) 04 ¯ { 4-76
b038 Initial-screen selection 00 (screen displayed when the STR key was pressed last), 01
(d001), 02 (d002), 03 (d003), 04 (d007), 05 (F001) 01 ¯ { 4-78
b039 Automatic user-parameter
setting function enable 00 (disabling), 01 (enabling) 00 ¯ { 4-79
b040 Torque limit selection 00 (quadrant-specific setting), 01 (switching by terminal), 02
(analog input), 03 (option 1), 04 (option 2) 00 ¯ {
b041 Torque limit (1) (forward-driving
in 4-quadrant mode) 0. to 200. (%), no (disabling torque limitation) 150. ¯ {
b042 Torque limit (2)
(reverse-regenerating in
4-quadrant mode) 0. to 200. (%), no (disabling torque limitation) 150. ¯ {
b043 Torque limit (3) (reverse-driving
in 4-quadrant mode) 0. to 200. (%), no (disabling torque limitation) 150. ¯ {
b044 Torque limit (4)
(forward-regenerating in
4-quadrant mode) 0. to 200. (%), no (disabling torque limitation) 150. ¯ {
b045 Torque limit LADSTOP enable 00 (disabling), 01 (enabling) 00 ¯ { 4-94
Torque limitation
b046 Reverse Run protection enable 00 (disabling), 01 (enabling) 00 ¯ { 4-93
b050 Controller deceleration and stop
on power loss 00 (disabling), 01 (nonstop deceleration to stop), 02 (DC voltage
constant control, with resume), 03 ( without resume) 00 ¯ ¯
b051 DC bus voltage trigger level
during power loss 0.0 to 999.9, 1000. (V) 0.0 ¯ ¯
b052 Over-voltage threshold during
power loss 0.0 to 999.9, 1000. (V) 0.0 ¯ ¯
b053 Deceleration time setting during
power loss 0.01 to 99.99, 100.0 to 999.9, 1000. to 3600. (s) 1.00 ¯ ¯
b054 Initial output frequency decrease
during power loss 0.00 to 10.00 (Hz) 0.00 ¯ ¯
b055 Proportional gain setting for
nonstop operation at power loss 0.00 to 2.55 0.20 { {
Non-stop operation at momentary power
b056 Integral time setting for nonstop
operation at power loss 0.000 to 9.999 /10.00 to 65.53 (s) 0.100 { {
b060 Maximum-limit level of window
comparators O 0. to 100. (lower limit : b061 + b062 / 2) (%) 100 { {
b061 Minimum-limit level of window
comparators O 0. to 100. (lower limit : b060 - b062 / 2) (%) 0 { {
b062 Hysteresis width of window
comparators O 0. to 10. (lower limit : b061 - b062 / 2) (%) 0 { {
b063 Maximum-limit level of window
comparators OI 0. to 100. (lower limit : b064 + b066 / 2) (%) 100 { {
b064 Minimum-limit level of window
comparators OI 0. to 100. (lower limit : b063 - b066 / 2) (%) 0 { {
b065 Hysteresis width of window
comparators OI 0. to 10. (lower limit : b063 - b064 / 2) (%) 0 { {
b066 Maximum-limit level of window
comparators OI -100. to 100. (lower limit : b067 + b068 / 2) (%) 100 { {
b067 Minimum-limit level of window
comparators O/OI/O2 -100. to 100. (lower limit : b066 - b068 / 2) (%) 0 { {
b068 Hysteresis width of window
comparators O/OI/O2 0. to 10. (lower limit : b066 - b067 / 2) (%) 0 { {
b070 Operation level at O
disconnection 0. to 100. (%) or "no" (ignore) no ¯ {
b071 Operation level at OI
disconnection 0. to 100. (%) or "no" (ignore) no ¯ {
Window comparator
b072 Operation level at O2
disconnection -100. to 100. (%) or "no" (ignore) no ¯ {