Hitachi VM-E465LA, VM-E565LA manual Tape Tanspof and Menu Se#ing Buffons p23, 36, Fade Button p40

Models: VM-E565LA VM-E465LA

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35 Tape T_anspo_f and Menu

Se#ing Buffons (p23_ 32)

Tape T_onspod Buttons: i;l.<Y _'opa)'h_, <tap.

I {,TOP: 7o stop ta_,_e

}}}WD: ]o fast {o_:wa,d ta_/_e

Menu Se_:ting Buttons:

]o >,_]ect/:< e-'l}Ictus ,u_d set detai s

36, FADE Button (p40)

") ey[ _hc <:[efuvd {/@' n_

37, Tripod Mounting Threaded Socket

3& PROGRAM A[ Buffon (p42)

7'} c}_r z:} b{ _x])osc/r_,


39 Reco_de_ Remote Controf

_'_a__f,.<n:l_ _ he_o:n,}_._ndi_S :_m.: < _

tb_,_m onJcr

40, COUNT[R RESETButton (oniy on the remo_e control) @4@

'o e>.:t thu ti _ <o_ _te Io:00:0}

41 AiV DUB Bu_ten (enly on the _emote eontro_) (p53)

30 du.b a_dio and vfdeo.



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Hitachi VM-E465LA, VM-E565LA manual Tape Tanspof and Menu Se#ing Buffons p23, 36, Fade Button p40, Recode Remote Controf