| General Maintenance | - 58 - |
| Interference on playback picture. | When you see the playback picture on |
| your TV, adjust fine tuning knob on |
| television set to obtain best picture. |
| Picture bends at the top of the TV | TV receiver is of older type. It need to |
| screen | be modified to work properly with |
| camcorder. |
| Tape is damaged. Try another |
| cassette. |
| Color of your TV screen is too bright, | TV set has the VIR circuit. Turn it off |
| too faint of change. | during playback. |
| Date search function does not operate. | Slide the CAM/OFF/VIDEO switch to |
| VIDEO> |
| Insert the clock battery, set the date |
| and time, then start recording. |
| Do not remove the clock battery after |
| recording. |
| Do not eject the recorded cassette. |
| Leave it in the camcorder. |
| The playback picture moves rapidly | The camcorder is set to the double |
| and noise appears. Also sound | speed playback mode. Pressing the |
| speeded up from normal is heard. | playback button to restore the normal |
| playback mode. The sound also |
| returns to normal speed. |
| Noise appears in the picture during |
| double speed playback, but this does |
| not indicate a fault. |
| . |
| Symptom | Check Point & Correction |
| The ( ) indication in the electronic | Try another battery or charge the |
| viewfinder flashes to indicate battery is | battery. |
| discharged. |
| Symptom | Check Point & Correction |
| Power is turned on, but no button | Remove the power source and the |