Access PrePack System Operator Manual
F-35512 (Mar. 2006) 3-11 Using the Access PrePack System
Running a Product Running a product is the basic function of the operator. This
function allows the operator to select the PLU, weigh, wrap,
print, and apply the label.
From the Operator Main Menu Screen, TOUCH a Flashkey
–OR– TOUCH the Enter PLU field and TYPE the product
number on the Numeric Keypad. TOUCH Enter. You should now
be on the Run Screen.
Select the automatic setting for this run. See Using Automatic
Make sure the product settings are correct before starting a run.
To modify product settings, see Modifying the Run Screen.
To run in Automatic Mode: Place the product on the scale. The
label will print automatically when a stable weight has been
sensed by the scale.
To run in Manual Mode: Place the product on the scale. TOUCH
Print to print a label. The label will print when a stable weight has
been sensed by the scale.