Access PrePack System Operator Manual
Using the Access PrePack System 3-16 F-35512 (Mar. 2006)
Product Drop-Down Menu -
Product & Shelf Life Screen
From the Operator Main Menu Screen, TOUCH Product.
TOUCH Product & Shelf Life. You should now be on the
Product & Shelf Life Screen.
To change the Sell By Date: TOUCH the Sell By Date box to
activate it. The numeric keypad will be displayed. TYPE in the
date using two digits each for the day, month, and year. TOUCH
enter on the keypad. The new date will appear in the Sell By Date
box as well as be highlighted in the calendar.
To change the Best Before Date: TOUCH the Best Before Date
box to activate it. The numberic keypad will be displayed. TYPE
in the date using two digits each for the day, month, and year.
TOUCH enter on the keypad. The new date will appear in the
Best Before Date box as well as be highlighted in the calendar.
Look At This
You can also use the calendar to change the best before or sell
by date. TOUCH the sell by or best before date field. TOUCH
cancel, then SELECT the date on the calendar.
To change the Month: TOUCH the arrow keys to the right and
left at the top of the calendar.
To exit this screen: TOUCH Back.
The Best Before Date changes reflect a change in the Sell By