I. The Plugs | II. Traveler Assembly |
The larger drain plug (part #25) is used to
drain the cockpit of the boat. Insert the large drain plug from the inside of the HOLDER@12
into the drain hole, which is in the center and
bottom of the stern or rear of the boat (part #29).Securethe plug by loopingthe line through
the padeyeasshownin Figure1.
Fig. 1
The smaller plug threadsinto the holelocated on the exterior of the transom by the large.
drain plug hole as shown in Figure.2. Be sure to use the black gasket to prevent leaks. (This may already be installed.)
Figure 3 shows an example of a completed
traveler line and block assembly.To assemble the traveler, first find the traveler block set.
This block has two pulleys (part #24).Now find
the traveler line (part #19).Tie a figure 8 knot in one end of the line and insert the other end
of the line',from the outsideof the HOLDER@,
12, through the small hole in the upper right- hand corner of the rear of the boat.
F.1g. 3
Pull the l~ne all the way through and then thread the lIne through t.he small block of the t:aveler block ~et: Now Insert the end of the
lIne from the InsIde of the boat through the small hole at the upper lefthand corner of the boat. Tie a figure 8 knot in the end of the line.
Make sure the knots are secure and that the traveler block set can run freely along the line.
Fig. 2