IX. Trailering

B. Appearance

In addition to following all the instructions included with your trailer and obeyingthe rele-

vant state laws concerning trailering boats, several safety tips should be included in your

1:normal routine to assure the safe passageof your HOLDER@12.

~~Beforestarting on your way with the boat on the trailer, make sure that the boat is securely strapped/tied down. Make sure that the mast is tied down securely, preventing the mast from becominglooseduring'transport.



It'svery easyto keepyour new HOLDER@12 fresh-looking.Just follow theseminor steps.

1.After eachsail, especiallya salt-water sail, thoroughly rinse your boat with fresh, clean water to remove salt, grime or other

foreign material. This will help prevent your metal parts from corroding.

2.Carefully inspect all metal parts, fittings and wires for signs of stress and wear as you rig your boat before each sail. If a wire looks frayed or corroded, have it re-


3.When storing your boat for the winter, cover it with an opaque sheet of plastic. Form the plastic into an A-frame. By tent- ing your boat, you will prevent snow, leavesand other debris from accumulating on the hull. Be sure no water lies in the

hull or the mast socket. Freezing water in those areas could cause hull damage.


(V.S. Pat. No. 4,597,346)

To be sure your mast is providing maximum protection, it has to be periodically maintained and examined. The following simple steps should be undertaken after eachsail.

For More Information

For more information about boating or available classes and seminars in your area, call the toll-free boating education

hotline at 1-800-336-BOAT. Or, write to

1. Because surface contamination can allow your state boating authority, local power

the ComptipTMto conduct electricity, the fiberglass tip should be carefully and thor- oughly cleanedwith fresh water after each use. In the event fresh water will not remove surface film or other contamina- tion, use soap and water only. DO NOT attempt to clean the ComptipTMmast with any type of solvent. Acetone or other sol- vents will damageit.

2.Do not leavethe mast tip in direct sunlight for extended periods. Cover the tip when- ever it is not in use so ultraviolet rays will not impair its effectiveness.

3.Pleaserememberthat the ComptipTMmast is not a total guarantee against injury or


death in the event of a mast/powerline con-


tact. If the surface is contaminated with


moisture, salt, dirt or other foreign matter;


or, if the mast touches a line carrying

extremely high voltage,an electrical injury


could still occur. Additionally, the protec-


tion is, obviously, confined to the tip area


only. A contact of the aluminum portion of


the mast is still extremely dangerous.The


only sure protection for any sailor on any


boat is a complete avoidanceof electrical





squadron, or the V.S. Coast Guard, Office of Boating, Public and Consumer Affairs, Washington, D.C. 20593.

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Hobie 12 manual IX. Trailering