Injury from moving parts.
Burns from hot parts.
Carbon monoxide poisoning fromengine exhaust.
Safety Precautions
Some of the most importantsafety precautions follow. However, we
cannot warn you of every conceivable hazard thatcan arise in
performing maintenance.Only you c an decide whetheror not you
should perform a given task.
Failure to properly follow
maintenance instructions and
precautions can cause you to be
seriously hurt or killed.
Always follow the procedures and
precautions in the owner’s manual.
To reduce the possibility of fire or explosion, be careful when
working around gasoline. Use only a nonflammable solvent, not
gasoline, to clean parts.Keep cigarettes, sparks, and flames away
from all fuel-related parts.
Read the instructions before you begin, and make sureyou have the
tools and skills required.
Do not run the engine unless instructed todo s o.
Let the engine and exhaust system coolbef oretouching.
Be sure there is adequate ventilation whenever you operate the
Make sure the engine is off before you begin any maintenance or
repairs. This will eliminate several potential hazards:
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