The base can also charge a second battery while the terminal is positioned in the base. The second battery can be inserted in the battery charging well in back of the terminal connection. Place the battery in the well with the label facing up and toward the back of the unit. Angle the battery as shown. Once the connectors engage, the LED lights. If the LED is red, the unit is charging; if it is green, the charge is complete.

Charging LED

Checking Battery Power

To check battery power while the terminal is operating, tap Start > Settings > Control Panel > double tap Power.

Establishing Ethernet Communication

Connecting the Optimus 5900 RFID Terminal to the eBase

By default, the Optimus 5900 RFID terminal is configured to obtain IP addresses automatically via DHCP server. This means that in most cases you would simply plug-and-play the unit.

1.Verify the base has power. If the Power/Dock LED is not illuminated, see Connecting Power to the eBase on page 13-5.

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