The red Service light blinks when the internal diagnostics detect a problem with TrueSTEAM. Follow these steps
to try and correct the problem:
1. Press and hold the Go button to clear the fault. If TrueSTEAM can reset itself, the Service light will
stop blinking, and TrueSTEAM will operate normally. No further action is required.
2. If the fault doesn’t clear, unplug the TrueSTEAM power cord and plug it back in to the electrical outlet.
3. If the fault reappears, wait 24 hours before calling a HVAC Professional Installer. TrueSTEAM may correct
itself automatically.
What if I am having a problem with Tr ueSTEAM?
If you have difficulty with TrueSTEAM, please try the following suggestions. Most problems can be corrected
quickly and easily.
problem symptoms or Causes steps to Fix
(performed only By professional HVaC technician)
Low humidity TrueSTEAM not
producing steam.
1. Confirm the Power light is on.
2. Set the humidity control and/or frost setting higher. See
“How do I use the humidity control” on page 11.
3. Check that the furnace power is on.
4. Reset your circuit breaker or check for a blown fuse.
5. If fault persists, turn the humidity control off. Unplug
TrueSTEAM, reset circuit breaker, and call a HVAC
Professional Contractor.
Rapid air changes.
Drafts (cold air is dry
and is an added load
for TrueSTEAM).
1. Keep doors and windows closed.
2. Close fireplace damper when not in use.
3. Keep exhaust fan running time to a minimum.
4. Seal around doors and windows.
5. Ask your Professional Installer about ventilation solutions
that retain indoor humidity (such as an Energy
Recovery Ventilator).
High humidity Condensation on walls. 1. Turn off the humidity control and/or frost setting until
condensation has completely evaporated.
2. Once condensation has evaporated, readjust the humidity
setpoint and/or frost setting to a lower setting to prevent
reoccurrence of condensation. See “How do I use the
humidity control?” on page 11.
Heavy condensation
on windows.
1. Turn the humidity control down low enough to eliminate
condensation caused by moisture from bathing, mopping,
cooking, etc.
2. If moisture persists, more ventilation is needed.
What should I do if the Service light is blinking?
TrueSTEAM Humidification System 69-2286EFS—03