95-7769—01 44
NOTE: One digital input is reserved for the Wall Module
Bypass. One analog input reserved for Wall Module
Sensor and one analog input reserved for Wall
Module Setpoint. Consult the System Engineering
Guide before configuring the CVAHU. Also, refer to
Excel 10 W7750A,B, C Constant Volume AHU
Controller Specification Data (form 74-2956); or
Excel 10 W7750A, B, C Constant Volume AHU
Controller Installation Instructions (form 95-7521) for
more information.
his literature is available on customer.honeywell.com
Try the following link for any document:
CVAHU Outputs
CVAHU applications can have a variable number of heating
and cooling stages. The outputs could be of staged, PWM,
floating, or Analog type. In addition there is a Change over
relay (Heat Pump Application) and Economizer Output. The
Economizer output can be Floating, PWM, Analog, or
Packaged Economizer 1. Optional points can also be selected
from this selection.
NOTE: Packaged Economizer is selected by using
EconNonePackaged and selecting the AuxEcon
optional Output. This output will enable the
economizer when the CVAHU is in the Occupied
Enter all outputs, including optional outputs, to be controlled
by the CVAHU Controller.
Configuration can be performed with the wizard Off-line or
1. Click the Outputs button on the left pane to open the
Output Configuration page.
2. Enter information into available fields.
3. Select the appropriate controller type from the
Controller Type list.
4. Select the power frequency from the Power Frequency
5. Select the appropriate equipment type from the
Equipment Type list.
6. Choose the number of heating stages (1-4) or the type
(PWM or Floating) from the Heating list.
Heating N/A Floating, or Pulse width
Floating, Pulse width
modulated, reverse Pulse width
modulated, Analog, or reverse
Cooling N/A Floating, or Pulse width
Floating, Pulse width
modulated, Reverse Pulse width
modulated, Analog, or reverse
Mixed Air Damped Output Floating Floating or Pulse width
Floating, Pulse width
modulated, Reverse Pulse
Width modulated, Analog, or
reverse Analog
Optional Outputs AuxEcon, OccStatus, Free1,
Free2, Free1PulseOn
or Free1PulseOff
AuxEcon, OccStatus, Free1,
Free2, Free1PulseOn
or Free1PulseOff
AuxEcon, OccStatus, Free1 or
reverse Free1
Free2 or Reverse Free2
Free1PulseOn or
Free1AO or Free1AORev
Free2AO or Free2AORev
Override Occupancy sensor override and
window open override
Occupancy sensor override and
window open override
Occupancy sensor override and
window open override
Analog Inputs 3 resistive 4 resistive and 2 voltage 4 resistive and 2 voltage
With Outdoor 20KNTC sensor
Digital Inputs 3 digital inputs 5 digital inputs 5 digital inputs with Coil Freeze
Status support
LED digital output Yes Yes Yes
Power Supply N/A 22 Vdc power supply 22 Vdc power supply
Table 15. XL10 CVAHU Device Properties for each Model. (Continued)
Criteria W7750A W7750B W7750C