Figure 14, gearset components
7. Loosen the set screw (Item 9) on the worm gear (Item 8) and remove it along with its
shaft key (Item 10).
If you have the DC2 or 3 models go to step 8. If you have the DC4, 5, or 6 models go to
step 9.
8. Remove the Thrust Washers and Bearing
(Item 11 & 12) from the housing.
If the Thrust Washers show signs of
excessive wear or scoring, replace them
during re-assembly.
9. Clean grease from the gear cavity.
10. Examine the Worm Shaft Grease Seal
(Item 3) in the pump housing on the DC
2 and 3 model or in the motor adaptor on
the DC 4, 5, and 6 models.
If the Grease Seal shows excessive wear
or damage, replace it during re-assembly.
Figure 15, worm shaft