3. Press or keys to scroll through the available options.
• Standalone (control KD6/HD6 PTZs only)
• Mux Mode (control multiplexers, VCRs, and KD6/HD6 PTZs)
• System Mode (must be used with HSX3208L switcher)
• Stdalone/Mux Fw. (upload new firmware to the HEGS5000). Refer to Section 7
for uploading the latest firmware.
• System Firmware (upload new firmware to the HEGS5000 system controller).
Refer to the HSX3208L User Manual to upload the latest firmware.
4. When the desired option is displayed, press Enter ( ). The controller continues
booting for the selected mode.
3.3 POWER-UP The power-up process is the same for both the MUX mode and the Standalone mode of
operation. When power is applied to the HEGS5000, the LCD displays the following
Rev. 1.01 10 900.0800
After 5 seconds, the current application starts. The selected mode (HEGS5000 or
HEGS5001) is displayed.
519685-1980 A
Booting in 5s
Boot Mngr MMDDYY
(counts down to 0)
Note: if the configuration has been changed by the user, this screen displays,
“Loaded Saved Configuration”
Then the login screen in displayed.
Two levels of login are available: Master and Operator.
519686-1980 A
System login
Password: _ _ _ _
519686-1980 A
Enter the four-digit password to logon. Refer to paragraph 3.3.1 for default passwords.