Excel 800
EN1B-0410GE51 R0908A 32
Alarm LED (red)
Table 38. XCL8010AU alarm LED
case alarm LED meaning remedy
1 OFF Normal operation No action necessary
2 ON Watchdog alarm output is powered
– The controller has encountered a
hardware problem
- or -
– The application has a fault
- or -
– The controller has been powered up
without an application or the operator
has manually stopped the application,
e.g., using XL-Online.
In this case, the LED will light up
13 minutes after power-up without
Try powering down and then
powering up the XCL8010AU.
If problem persists, check and – if
necessary – reload the application.
If problem still persists, replace
3 Flashing Although the controller has encountered a
problem, the watchdog alarm output has not
yet been powered.
If problem persists, the LED will become lit
constantly, see case #2.
The controller performs a warm start.
If it happens only once, the controller
has performed a restart
If, however, it happens multiple times,
then there is an application or hardware
problem (see case #2)
Fig. 50. Flashing pattern of the LONWORKS service LED
The LONWORKS service LED of the XCL8010AU Controller Module displays the following flashing patterns indicating possible
failure modes: