Attach and remove brushes and pads
Disconnect from electric circuit before putting on or removing brushes.
Place floor machine upside down on a flat surface. Press each brush firmly down over brush shaft (B), rotating brush until a click indicates that it is in the corre c t position. To remove grasp center with thumb and fingers and lift up bru s h .
To attach pads, insert end of fastener through opening in pad.
Place pads over power scrub and cleaning brushes only.
The fastener fits around the brush shaft. Press fastener to snap pad into place. Unsnap to remove pad.
To carry
Use the tank handle to conveniently carry the floor machine from room to room.
Cleaning floors
There are three methods of cleaning hard surface floors:
1.Water method - used for all floors that can be cleaned with soap or deter- gent and water solution.
2.Solvent cleaning wax method - used for wood and other floors that may be damaged by water solutions.
3.Direct application method - used for polyurethane sealed wood floors and sealed laminate floors that require peri- odic restoration.
1. Water method
Linoleum, asphalt, ru b b e r, vinyl, masonry and stone floors may be cleaned with a soap or detergent and water solution. Use floor machine to dispense cleaning solution, scrub floor, and pick up dirt y
s o l u t i o n .
Do not use the water cleaning method on wo o d .
1 . Vacuum floor thoroughly to re m o v e loose dirt and debris.
2 . Attach power scrub and cleaning
b rushes. If there is a heavy accumulation of wax to remove, snap heavy duty clean-
3 . Remove tank. Fill with HOOVER Bare Floor Cleaner as directed on the contain- e r. Replace tank.
Concentrated ammonia solution must be used to remove some wax. If using a
p roduct specifically for wax removal, r e a d caution label and fo l l ow instructions on container.
N o t e :The bag in the tank is made of
vinyl. Check label on detergent container to be sure that the detergent is not harm- ful to vinyl.
4 . Be sure the control button is in the “OFF” position. Connect cord to a wall receptacle. Press handle control lever with foot and lower the handle. Start by moving the control button to the “SCRUB-
5 . S t a rt at the end of a room and apply solution to a 3 ft. x 6 ft. (1m x 2m) area by squeezing the trigger occasionally. Release the trigger and scrub the area as n e c e s s a ry. When removing hard e n e d wax, allow solution to remain on the floor
3-5 minutes. Do not let solution dry on the f l o o r.
6 . To remove the dirty water from the floor, move the control button to “OFF” then left and forw a rd to the “WET PICKUP” posi- tion. Move floor machine over the
s c rubbed area until the floor is dry. Start at one end of the floor, scrubbing and picking up the dirty water as you go. (If the floor machine is not picking up pro p-
e r l y, check “Maintenance” section re g a rding filter bar and squeegee.)
N o t e : It is not always necessary to rinse floors, because the “WET PICKUP” removes the detergent solution from the f l o o r. However, depending on the type of solution used,the floor may need to be rinsed thoro u g h ly to eliminate dulling or streaking. If you prefer to rinse the floor, empty detergent solution f rom tank and rinse tank well. Add clear water through the opening marked “CLEAN SOLUTION”. Fill to the “ F U L L ” line. Follow the same pro c e d u re as for
s c rubbing floors.
2.Solvent cleaning wax method
Wood and other floors may be damaged by using water solutions; therefore, use only those cleaners and waxes recom- mended specifically for these types of floors.
The following directions are for cleaning wood or other floors with a cleaning pol- ishing solvent base liquid wax.
1.Vacuum floor to remove loose dirt and debris. Wipe up sticky spots with a damp cloth.
Do not dispense wax from tank. Do not use floor mach i n e to apply sol- vent base liquid wax to the floor.
3.Refer to “Polishing and buffing floors”.